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5 Tips for Understanding Solar Power Output

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular option for powering homes and businesses. As this trend continues to grow, it’s important to understand solar power output to make the most of your setup. We’ve compiled some tips for getting a better handle on your solar panel system.

1. Know Your System

The first step in understanding your solar power output is to get acquainted with the system you have installed. Ensure you know what type and size of solar panels are being used, what mounting hardware they’re mounted on, and any other components that may interact with the panels (such as inverters). In addition, familiarize yourself with the specifics of your local environment, such as average temperatures and the amount of sunlight available.

2. Calculate Your Size Requirements

Once you know what kind of system you have installed, you can calculate how much solar power output is required to meet your energy needs. Begin by taking stock of your daily electricity usage, then use that figure to estimate the system size you will need. If you’re unsure, use a solar calculator to gain an accurate estimate.

3. Understand Your Solar Performance

Performance is a key factor in solar power output, and understanding how your panels are performing can help ensure you’re getting the most out of your system. Make sure to check on performance regularly, as changes in weather and other factors can impact output. Consider investing in a solar monitoring system to keep track of performance levels over time.

4. Monitor your Energy Usage

Monitoring your energy usage will allow you to better understand how much power you are consuming, which can provide valuable insight into the efficiency of your solar panels. Investing in an energy monitoring system can provide real-time data on your appliance and electricity usage, allowing you to identify areas where you can make improvements.

5. Consider Battery Storage Solutions

Adding a battery storage system to your solar panel setup can help even out power output over time and provide additional backup power in the event of a power outage. If you are looking for a way to maximize your solar power output, battery storage could be the right solution.

Where To Get Solar Panels in Connecticut

We hope our tips help you better understand solar power output and use your home’s solar system more effectively. If you’re a solar installer in CT and need solar panels, Earthlight Technologies is one of the top panel dealers in the region and the nation. Browse our website to learn more, or contact our helpful staff.