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4 Common Myths About Commercial Energy Audits

It’s an exciting time for people who invest in solar power. Solar panels are popular for both businesses and residents alike. This is for a good reason: it saves time and makes it easier for companies to save money. However, even though solar is popular, there are many misconceptions about commercial energy audits. Learn more about the top common myths about energy audits below.

Anyone Can Do It

You can decide that you should do your energy audit on your own, but it would be less effective. Sure, you know your building is like the back of your hand, but this is both a blessing and a curse. There are likely many blind spots in your building—areas you walk past without thinking twice about or areas that fade into the background because you see them so often. Your energy auditor can bring you a fresh perspective on your building. They’ll see things that you won’t, which is exactly what you want.

It’s Too Disruptive

When it comes to the top common myths about commercial energy audits, one of them is that there’s too much disruption that occurs during the audit. Given that the auditor typically turns things on and off to determine how much energy you use while carefully going through the entire building, we can see why you might feel that way. This ultimately depends on how small or large the building is. If you’re looking for an energy diagnostic session, it could take only one to three hours, which isn’t a lot. If you’re looking for a detailed report, it could take longer, but isn’t it worth knowing your pain points?

All Audits Are the Same

This myth might be preventing you from getting an audit for your business. The truth is not all audits are similar, and some are more comprehensive than others. The least comprehensive one is a simple walk-through analysis, where the energy manager walks around and inspects the business to determine which equipment is deficient and which isn’t. An investment-grade audit provides customized info on investments and implementation that can revitalize your entire business. It’s up to you which one you choose.

It’s Too Expensive

Finally, one of the biggest reasons businesses forgo commercial energy audits is because they feel it’s pricy. However, we would suggest that it’s far pricier to use energy when you don’t need to. An energy audit can be less than 2000 dollars depending on its level of comprehension and the company you use. You don’t need to book an energy audit with all the bells and whistles. If you don’t want to spend much money, book something more basic, and call it a day.

We’ve talked a lot about energy audits here. If we’ve convinced you to get one, work with us at Earthlight Technologies. We offer energy audit services that are perfect for your business. If you have any questions, contact us today!